How to Promote Your Podcast, Grow Your Audience, & Advance Your Goals

How to Promote Your Podcast, Grow Your Audience, & Advance Your Goals
How to Promote Your Podcast, Grow Your Audience, & Advance Your Goals
Publishing and Promotion

We'd like to get you thinking about promoting your podcast, growing your audience, and advancing your goals... Not just after you’ve recorded your most recent episode, but throughout the entire production process.

So, before you record, while you’re recording, and after you’ve published your new episode, we want you to think about incorporating podcast promotion so that it will become second nature.

With each episode you plan, ask yourself these 6 questions, and incorporate your answers into your podcast.

  1. Where can listeners send feedback?

    Want to prove your podcast is worth the listens and subscribes? During each episode, share and respond to some of the listener feedback you've received.

    Don't have any listener feedback to share? Have you asked your listeners for their feedback? Have you encouraged their interaction?

    In every episode, take a moment to ask for their feedback. Provide them an email address, social media platforms, a blog that allows for comments, a phone number, or other ways to get in touch.

    Let your audience know this podcast is not a one way street. You care about their impressions and about any new ideas they may have.
  2. Where should new listeners go to subscribe?

    Fundamentally, your goal as a podcast producer is to entice new listeners to subscribe to your podcast – not just listen to one episode and quit.

    You want new listeners to subscribe to and listen to all your new episodes.

    In every episode, make it your job to find the time to speak directly to new listeners that are not yet subscribed. Know exactly where you'd like them to go to subscribe and describe exactly how they can do so.
  3. Should your guests receive extra value from appearing on your podcast

    In short, if you go out of your way to promote the guests you invite to your podcast, and make it easy for them to promote their episode, they’ll likely share their episode in their social circles. You may even score a coveted backlink!

    ModPod has a great video on exactly how to do this: How to Promote Your Podcast Guests
  4. Where should you direct listeners that want to learn more about your brand or business?

    This is your podcast. You are entitled to spend a bit of time (1) promoting what you do, and (2) asking your listeners to visit a web site or other destination to learn more about your business or organization. Use your best judgment on how much time you allow for this within your episode, where in each episode to bring it up, and how often you might want to change up your “pitch.”
  5. How exactly can your listeners help you grow your listenership?

    Every person you connect with is potentially an ally, with resources and goodwill to share.

    Draw on your host/listener connections and ask them to tell a friend about your podcast or share a favorite episode with their social media circles.

    If they decide to share on social media, ask them to tag your brand on Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Instagram, or another platform.
  6. Where would you like your listeners to write podcast reviews?

    Another way potential new listeners can find your podcast is via an amalgamation of glowing reviews written by any number of your current listeners.

If 6 new segments seem like a lot to add to each episode, consider that each takes up a very small amount of time, especially after you've done it a few times.

You'll learn to combine points and present them in different sequences, naturally weaving them into your main content.

As you add these short segments while continuing to produce great content, you'll likely see increased listener interaction, social media shares, new reviews, new willing guests, more subscribers, increased traffic to your web site, and hopefully even backlinks!

Please contact us and and tell us what other techniques work to grow your podcast.

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