Podcasts for Business Owners

Podcasts for Business Owners
Podcasts for Business Owners
Concept Development

As new means of communication continue to spread across the digital landscape and the market grows more and more saturated, it has never been more important to connect directly with clients and to establish your credentials and expertise within your field. Podcasts continue to grow in popularity and influence across a broad range of demographics and target audiences, providing a direct means of communication between a business and its potential clients and partners. For business owners podcasts are increasingly becoming not just an interesting new avenue to explore, but an actual necessity.

Why A Podcast?

Podcasts have continued to grow in popularity and influence year after year, and all signs indicate that those rates are only going to continue.

Recent surveys indicate that 50% of marketers use podcasts to reach their audience, with 69% of podcast listeners confirming that podcast marketing introduced them to new products and services. Another 38% stated that they actually purchased products they learned about through podcasts. (Source)

Branded podcasting has grown 82% year over year, which speaks to the way that a podcast presence has gone from a nifty sub-section of a brand’s public appearance and become the pivotal means by which companies and brands engage with their target audience.

Standing Out

We are in an age in which creating a professional 'looking’ online presence is easier than ever. Anyone can with just a little effort, pass themselves off as the best in whatever field they are angling to do business within. With the advent and subsequent surge of AI tools, anyone with an Internet connection now can assume at least a passable appearance of knowing what they’re talking about. Consumers have a harder and harder time separating the wheat from the chaff and determining if they are actually in safe hands.

This only makes a dedicated and well-maintained podcast all the more important to a company and a brand. Podcasts have proven to be a reliably effective means to not just alert people to your company and product but to convince those same people that you know what you’re talking about, that you have a deep base of both knowledge and resources and can provide an informed opinion.

With so much noise coming from all corners, being able to demonstrate that your voice speaks the truth is an uncommonly valuable asset.

Getting Started

We understand that the most difficult part of starting a podcast is just that: starting a podcast.

At ModPod, we are more than ready to answer all your questions about how to start a podcast. From acquiring the right podcasting equipment and testing a microphone and getting the best sound quality, to developing your show’s concept, promotion, and release strategy, we are here to make the process as easy and successful as possible.

Podcasts for business owners are rapidly becoming a necessity, but they don’t necessarily have to be an arduous or overly expensive endeavor. And that’s where ModPod comes in.

Contact us today, and let us help you find your voice.

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