Business Podcasts Hold Customers' Attention

Business Podcasts Hold Customers' Attention
Business Podcasts Hold Customers' Attention
Concept Development

Business Podcasts Are an Amazing Way to Hold Your Customers' Attention

At Mod Pod, we help businesses create podcasts, really, an amazing way to hold your customers' attention and connect with them in a way that you can't do through any other sort of advertising or social media.

As long as you produce great content and gain your listenership with steady growth, you have a captive audience that can be with you for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and longer!

We help businesses conceive and record their podcasts, and then we do the editing and help them publish and promote.

Audiograms for Podcast Promotion

One of our favorite ways to promote podcast episodes is to create several audiograms for each. These are short, concise podcast excerpts with visual elements, perfect for sharing to social media, with a link back to the episode. When sharing audiograms on social media, be sure to tag any people or businesses mentioned.

This audiogram is taken from our in-house podcast, Show Me Your Setup.

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Business Podcasts Hold Customers' Attention


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