Podcast Nuggets Edition #13: How To Start A Podcast…And Keep It Going

Podcast Nuggets Edition #13: How To Start A Podcast…And Keep It Going
Podcast Nuggets Edition #13: How To Start A Podcast…And Keep It Going

The fun part of podcasting is being behind a microphone being a Rock Star, talking to another Rock Star. But the stuff you do before the recording session and after the session is just as important for podcasting success. In this edition of Podcast Nuggets, we provide a framework for how to strategize and plan a podcast (Before), recommend equipment (During), and give you pointers on how to promote your podcasts (After, but actually all three…you’ll see.) Enjoy Your Nuggets!

Podcasting Alignment: Making Sure You’re Lined Up With Your Business Objectives

“Ready…Aim…Fire”.  It’s a time-tested phrase that reminds us that any great endeavor starts with a strategy, a plan, and a thoughtful marshaling of resources. But sometimes organizations starting branded podcasts are so excited by getting going that they skip these important steps. It’s important that you have alignment - both within your organization and across the various components of your podcasting plan.

Across what dimensions should a podcast initiative be aligned? Focus on these “alignment pairs”:

  1. Business Objectives/Role of Podcasting. Organizations podcast for different reasons, but any podcasting objective should support clearly-defined business objectives. If you’re measuring brand awareness, you may focus on product/technical leadership. If you want to support your sales teams to close business, you may select specific topics to match particular customer problems.
  2. Brand/Audio-Visual Elements. What the audience hears should reflect your brand, but so should the artwork, the intro/outro music, the voice talent you choose to introduce each Episode.
  3. Audience/Episode Topics. I’m amazed by how many organizations want to podcast on what management wants to talk about, and not what the target audience wants to hear. When you figure out the latter, be consistent about it across all of your Episodes, otherwise you’ll lose listenership.
  4. Podcast “Vibe”/Guest Choices. If everything about your podcast projects “energy”, your guests should project “energy”. If your podcast is meant to convey “gravitas”, you want guests with…”gravitas”. Don’t just get who’s easiest to get. Be selective!

ModPod’s revision of Ready/Aim/Fire is: Get Clear, Get Ready, and Get Going. In our recent blog post, How to Start a Podcast…And Keep It Going, we take you through a step-by-step process that ensures this alignment, and sets your podcast up in a way that ensures enduring commitment to a continually flow of high quality Episodes.

Now That Your Podcast Is Planned, How Do You Promote It?

Now that we’ve talked about planning, what should the ongoing promotion tasks be? Most people think about this sequentially: Plan an Episode, record it, and then promote it. In reality, there are critical steps and practices that should be established before recording, during recording, and after recording. We talk about it here: How to Promote Your Podcast, Grow Your Audience, & Advance Your Goals

Recommendations for Your “Studio”: What Equipment Should I Get?

Damn near all podcasts are recorded in the homes and offices of the hosts and the guests. But there are so many brands of equipment to choose from, and it’s not obvious what else you need besides a basic microphone. And it doesn’t need to break the bank! Here’s a one pager on our choices for a “starter studio”: Recommended Podcast Recording Equipment

Newsletters for Building Your Audience: Audio Is Better Than Text (So Is Video)

I’m often asked, “What’s the best way to promote my podcast?” In reality, it’s at least a little bit of everything, but the #1 answer I heard at a podcasting conference recently is “create great content”!  Beyond that, having a newsletter for your podcast should be high on your list. Want proof? You’re reading one right now! Here are… 5 Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Podcast Through a Newsletter. BTW, if you’re looking for a flexible and powerful newsletter platform, we think Beehiiv is your best bet.

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